Its easy to think that a 'regular dog' doesn't need regular off lead walks
They are not always easy to control, and if the dog owners don't have good recall, many of them just give up. This reinforces a dogs anti social nature and if they are big and poweful they can easily join the top 11 positions on the dog kill statistics bored, that are shared by big powerful breeds and ancient dog breeds. All that they need is unfamiliar surroundings, or to escape from their back yard prison and feel threatened - this never happens to a 100% social dog. Thnk about the consequence of not socialising your big breed dog !
Regular dog breeds and dog walks
These are the middle class of dogs. the ones that are often left in back yards like ornaments because owners dont understand the social pack nature of dogs means they have a greater need to be free among their own species than humans do.Everyone has one, and if everyone turns a blind eye to a dogs needs, then we can all agree that having a soial dog is important.
A non social dog is more likely to bite in any given situation, to have more physical and mental ailments, cost more at vet visits and die younger.
Having more than one dog in the back yard does not solve the need to get new information from walks each day.
Cute small breed dogs needs for off lead dog walks
Just because they have short legs doesn't meant they dont want to use them.Small and toy breed dogs are just small versions of their larger cousins.
Small dog syndrome was invented by bigger breed owners to explain away a less than social small dog.
Small dogs that are walked off lead regularly and learn to be social are never called small dog syndrome.